- Pro Tip: Take one of the keywords from the “Searches related to…” area, pop that into Google, and check out the “Searches related to…” results for that keyword. Rinse and repeat until you have a laundry list of awesome keywords that the Keyword Planner doesn’t show you.
- USE SOOLVE for key ignored by competitors
- USE QUORA Quora is an extremely popular crowdsourced Q&A site (similar to to Yahoo! Answers, except people’s responses are actually helpful).
- USE keyword.io local keyword alternative to google keyplaner
- Commercial intent:Here are words that tend to be part of Buy Now Keywords:
- Buy
- Coupon
- Discount
- Deal
- Shipping
- Product Keywords tend to include:
- Review
- Best
- Top 10
- Specific brand name (“Nike” or “Toshiba”)
- Specific product (“Macbook Pro” or “Samsung Galaxy”)
- Product category (“Wordpress hosting” or “tennis shoes”)
- Cheap
- Affordable
- Comparison
- Information Keywords tend to include words like:
- How to
- Best way to
- Ways to
- I need to
Tire Kicker KeywordsTire Kicker Keywords are searches that are VERY unlikely to convert now…or in the near future.Here are a few examples words that tend to make up Tire Kicker Keywords:- Free
- Torrent
- Download
- …for free
Easy Target Results
When you see one or more Easy Target Results in the top 10, it’s time to celebrate. You just found a low-competition keyword.Here are results that tend to indicate a very, very low competition keyword:
- Content length
So Let’s Wrap This Up
The “big idea” I want you to walk away with from reading this report is that your
search engine traffic hinges on these three things:
1. Your ability to find low-competition, high-converting keywords
2. Your ability to create popular and authoritative content around those keywords
3. Promoting your content so that people link to it from authoritative,
relevant sites.
And this guide should help you get better at executing all 3 of these.
Here’s what to do next:
1. Send me a message to my personal email address brian@backlinko.com
to let me know what you think of this report.
2. Actually USE the strategies from the guide. Without action, these strategies
aren’t going to grow your business.
3. Pat yourself on the back. You just read a 20-page ebook ;